I have to blog about this because my little girl almost had her little heart broken - literally and figuratively. Natalie has a beautiful gold necklace with a heart charm on it that was a goodbye gift from her Auntie Lynnette. Natalie treasures it and never takes it off. It's the one the ballet girls noticed if you read the blog about that. So, earlier yesterday I tracked down this store called "BeadIt" looking for beads to craft homemade Christmas ornaments with Natalie - there's no Michael's here and well...don't get me started down that tangent! We go racing down to this store and I had told Natalie she would get to pick out beads for these ornaments and she was excited about that only to find out they don't have the kind I need at all for crafts and I can't even make them work somehow. Natalie had been whisked there in a daze as she had barely woken up from a nap and I had her in the car for this little jaunt. Naturally she was a little disappointed so she found a gold fish and red rose charm that she loved and I agree to buy for her. The clerk offers to attach it as charms to her gold necklace - everybody is happy. Later last night the three of us take a walk to the park, the necklace breaks and the original most important piece, the gold heart...missing. We find the red rose and the fish and the chain (broken) but no heart. By this time, we are at the playground and Natalie is melting down devastated as she loves this necklace because her Auntie gave it to her. Paul gets literally down on his hands and knees feeling the mucked up grass, earth, rock, mildly littered terrain while I distract Natalie playing at the playground. We fear its hopeless. Five minutes go by. Ten minutes go by. Now the sun is going down. It's hopeless. Then all of a sudden I hear Paul yell "Bingo" and there is the gold heart! Everybody is happy.
Off to Maui tomorrow,
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